Young Communists Launch New Website

Here is the New Year message from General Secretary Zoe Hennessy…..

Comrades and friends,

I would first like to thank the many of you who donated so generously to the YCL as part of our festive appeal.

2013 was a period of change for the YCL. Mick Carty stepped down as general secretary due to his age earlier this year, and I was elected in his place. On behalf of the YCL membership I would like to extend my gratitude to him for all he has done for the YCL during his time as general secretary, and the support and political insight he provided to YCLers. The party fielded Ryan Boyle, a YCL candidate, in a council election in Govan in October, beating the fascist candidate, as well as polling above another left candidate. We have held two successful day schools in Glasgow and in Birmingham over 2013.

2014 will be a busy year for the YCL we have a lot of work to do, both in the class struggle against this vicious ConDem government, and in strengthening and building our organisation. The year begins with the official relaunch of the North West YCL  at the party’s North West district congress in Manchester in February, due to a recent flurry of new applications. This will then be followed by an International Brigade Memorial to commemorate the socialists and anti-fascists who fought Franco, many of whom were in the YCL.

We also plan to hold a number of day schools throughout the year in various districts and nations. Currently we’re looking to have a national camp in the summer. We are also due to hold our congress later this year in London.  Our aim for this year is to grow the YCL into a more politically educated, more unified and disciplined youth organisation.

“Only by radically remoulding the teaching, organisation and training of the youth shall we be able to ensure that the efforts of the younger generation will result in the creation of a society that will be unlike the old society, i.e., in the creation of a communist society” V.I. Lenin

Tories Demonising Youth at their Conference to Distract from Capitalism’s Failure

Zoe Hennesy – General Secretary of the Young Communist League

The Conservative Party Conference passed in typical right-wing fashion with talk of tougher welfare cuts and privatisation, and tax cuts for big business. However, one particularly nasty proposition made by David Cameron in his closing speech has caught the attention of many. This is the pledge that if the Conservatives are elected to government in the next general election they will seek to pass legislation meaning that those under 25 would lose their right to access Jobseeker’s Allowance and Housing Benefit if they are not in work, education or training (NEETs). The Tories are dressing this up as a workable solution for the high level of youth unemployment, arguing that they want an end to a generation of young people who apparently claim dole as a lifestyle choice. The patronising phrase Cameron used was “nagging” the long term unemployed back to work, telling us that that young people need to “earn or learn”.

Obviously the Tories’ analysis doesn’t match the reality of life for the 1.09 million NEETs by any stretch of the imagination, with up to 20 people chasing every vacancy in certain parts of the UK according to research published by Unison, it is clear that these jobs are just not there. Since 2010 the Tories have worked hard to ensure that further and higher education is an unaffordable option for many young people. They have made significant cuts to the education budget, raised the cap on tuition fees to a staggering £9000 and abolished the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) which provided regular financial support to students from lower income families who wished to continue their studies after secondary school.
Over the last few years they have closed dozens of Remploy factories which provided long term employment for people with disabilities, knowing that many of the thousands who are made redundant will find it difficult to compete for mainstream employment, particularly now as jobs are hard to find.

The Tories also brought in workfare, forcing those that receive benefits to do unpaid work or risk losing their benefits and at the same time the government can count those on these schemes as “employed” in government statistics. This unpaid work is often for private companies, whose profits benefit from free labour at the expense of the taxpayer, as the government continues to pay the benefits. Not surprisingly, research has revealed that workfare has been replacing paid employment. Many on workfare placements have been recruited over Christmas, meaning that these companies have not offered their permanent staff any paid over time or hired more workers, and in some cases have sent paid staff home early. Workfare isn’t small scale either, as tens of thousands of these forced unpaid work schemes are being rolled out across the country, and the number is expected to increase. With up to half a million jobs to be axed from the public sector, it is clear that some of these jobs will be replaced by workfare placements as outlined in the guidelines of the Community Action Programme. We have already seen workfare programmes being used in the NHS.

It is clear that these opportunities are not available to young people, and that this government has actively created policies that have undermined the youth’s ability to access education and training, but there is also human cost to people who are long term unemployed through no fault of their own. According to research published on NEETs by UCU earlier this summer;
•    Nine out of ten aspire to be in work, education or training, but a third feel that they have no chance of ever getting a job.
•    37% rarely leave the house, 40% feel they are not part of society, 33% have suffered depression and 15% have a mental health condition.
•    71% say that with the right kind of support they could “contribute a lot to this country” but want help boosting their confidence and better information and advice about their options

WFDY: On the riots in London and other parts of Britain

The world’s largest youth organisation speaks out.

WFDY condemns the reckless violence and widespread criminality of recent nights, however we understand it as a direct product of the capitalist system and of the resulting dangerous lack of stability and rights for the youth of today, accompanied by disenfranchisement and exacerbated by unprecedented levels of alienation.

It is clear that the anger of the youth is derived from a number of factors including police brutality, the massive reduction in public spending on youth and other services, and a general frustration at a future with little prospects. Furthermore, WFDY notes that the cuts in public spending have had a disproportionate impact on both the youth and ethnic minority groups.

The first and main responsible for the wave of violence that now is taking place is the system under which the British people live, responsible for massive unemployment, huge rates of precarity, extremely expensive access to the higher levels of education and almost impossible access to proper housing, mainly for the young generations. It is also important to remind that it is this system that engages the British youth in wars just to satisfy the greed for profit of the big national and international monopolies.

We admit these concerns along with our member organizations in Britain, especially with comrades of YCL Britain, demanding to address the root causes of unrest and violence and by supporting the genuine concerns of young people in the street and their frustration while outright rejecting their way of vandalizing, looting and creating chaos without certain goal of socio-economic transformation.

In this extremely sensitive moment, WFDY calls upon all the young people in Britain to organize themselves and find the best ways to revolutionarily transform their country, which will surely be through the overthrown of this dominant order and not through the destruction of public or private goods, for a Britain and a world of peace, solidarity and social transformation.